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Digital marketing companies in 2024

Digital marketing companies in 2023

Digital marketing for business-to-business (B2B) companies is slightly different from digital marketing for consumers. The main difference is often the value of a conversion and the time cycle it takes to get a deal. Here we will go through some concepts that differ in digital marketing companies to businesses and what you should consider.

Key concepts in digital marketing for businesses

Here are the common ways of working with digital marketing to businesses, B2B.

SEO and Search Engine Optimization is an important tactic for B2B companies that want to appear high in search results when potential customers search for products or services in their industry. B2B companies can optimize their website and use keywords that are relevant to their customers. This is nothing new and is widely used by both B2B and B2C companies.

Social media is also a powerful tool for B2B companies to build their brand and communicate with potential customers. LinkedIn is a popular platform for B2B companies as it is the largest social platform where companies can share content and network with other companies in their industry. It is also a great tool for prospecting and targeting digital marketing to the right business customers. 

Content marketing is always relevant for B2B companies and their digital marketing and branding. By creating high-quality content that targets specific segments and problems faced by their customers, B2B companies can build credibility and strengthen their brands. It can also help position the company as an expert in its industry.

Email marketing is an effective tool for B2B companies to stay in touch with their customers and attract new ones. Companies can make use of personalized emails that target specific segments and problems faced by their customers.

Another strategy that B2B companies can use is account-based marketing. ABM involves companies targeting specific customers with high precision, instead of trying to reach out to a wider audience. This can help increase conversion rates and improve the ROI of marketing campaigns.

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Omnichannel is here to stay

Omnichannel marketing is a strategy where companies use multiple digital marketing channels and platforms to communicate with customers and create a consistent experience regardless of where the customer is in the buying process.

This means that companies create an integrated experience across different channels, such as in-store visits, social media, e-commerce platforms and mobile applications. By coordinating information and marketing across these channels, companies can provide customers with a coherent and consistent experience that strengthens the brand.

An important part of omnichannel marketing is collecting data about customers and their behaviour across channels to create relevant and personalized experiences tailored to each customer. This data is then used to personalize marketing messages, offers and campaigns to maximize customer engagement and conversions.

Omnichannel marketing has become increasingly important in today's marketing landscape, as consumers use a variety of channels to make purchases and interact with brands. By creating a unified experience across all these channels, businesses can increase customer loyalty, improve the customer experience and boost sales.

Identification of anonymous website visitors

This has been on the agenda throughout 2022 with the phasing out of 3rd party cookies. Most B2B digital marketing efforts to identify otherwise anonymous visitors have relied on IP addresses or web forms. Now comes Mobile Monkey, which claims to be able to identify 15% - 30% of web visitors by approaching the problem from a consumer perspective. Mobile Monkey started with a product aimed at B2C marketers, but soon realized they also had a B2B opportunity. Their service matches your web visitors to their database of individuals who opt-in from a network of partners. This is quite positive as the arrival of visitors to your site is likely to be a strong enough indicator that they've made it some way along the buying journey.

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